September 23rd, 2015

Good Morning Trinity,


I hope you all having a wonderful week. As busy as we all seem to be, I hope you will take time to do 2 things. Number one to thank the Lord for all that is in your life, great and small. Number 2 is to reach out to someone who may not be as fortunate as you. Being less fortunate is not always a matter of finances, it can also refer to someone who is lonely. Maybe you know someone who is just going through a tough time in their life. Let them know the comforting hand of Jesus Christ reaches to all in need. Here is your scripture reading for this week.


Daniel 1: 3 – 17


I think we all at one time or another have had to make a decision to either follow the crowd or not. It’s not a decision for only the young to make but a decision we find ourselves having to make regardless of age. So in fact age has nothing to do with it. We’ve seen comedy skits on television before when someone has to make a decision and there is a devil sitting on their shoulder telling them to “go ahead do it nobody will know.” Of course on the other shoulder you have an angel saying “don’t listen to him you know it’s not right.” Remember Flip Wilson, “the devil made me do it”? Now some of you are asking “what’s a Flip Wilson”? Showing my age again.


It would have been easier for Daniel to have eaten the delicacies provided for himself and the others who were being trained to be servants for the king of Babylon. But as scripture says “Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank.” Today Daniel would be called one of those stick in the mud Christians. Fact is though, Daniel was only following the dietary laws given him by the Lord. Daniel wasn’t trying to be a “holier than thou” kind of guy, he was standing for something he believed in. Maybe I should say it this way, he was standing for Someone he believed in.


I think it’s an old saying and maybe I’m not quoting it correctly but this does fit, “if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” If you haven’t had to take a stand for Jesus there will come a time when you will have to make that decision. Do you go against what you know is right to follow a crowd and not be singled out as a “stick in the mud”? When someone tells a joke about Jesus do you laugh with the crowd or voice your displeasure? People get all bent out of shape when you tell a political joke in the wrong company, but when did someone ever show that same displeasure over a joke about the One who gave His life for you.


When you read the Book of Daniel it is so interesting to see how God used Daniel in a mighty way and blessed him for his faithfulness. But the Lord never would have used him if Daniel had decided to become one of the crowd. Sometimes you have to stand apart.


God Bless,

Pastor Dave




Wednesday – 6:30 Family Night begins. This week we are having a special baptism service. Don’t miss it.


Friday – 4:00 – 7:00 Trinity’s Most Awesome Fish Fry in the fellowship Hall. Why don’t you treat a friend to a fish fry?


Sunday – 9:00 Sunday School for all ages. Come and be a part of these growing classes


Sunday – 10:15 We Worship Together. Come and join us and be a part of a growing family


Tuesday – 12:00 and 7:00 Bible Study in the Agape Room – Great class, come and be a part of it