Good Morning Trinity,

I pray you are all having a God filled and blessed week. There is no doubt that prayer has an effect on the outcome of life around you. Do you start your day with prayer? I was listening to an interview with a pastor from a rather large church who said that he began each day with prayer. That is not an unusual thing for someone to say except that his prayer began each day when he would slide out of bed straight to his knees without his feet touching the floor. Think about what it says when your first move of the day is to humble yourself before your God on your knees. Here is your scripture reading for the week.

Hebrews 11: 1 – 7

When we read scripture such as this we tend to set those that are mentioned high on a pedestal. Great men of faith is a term used by some. But here is something that you need to realize about those mentioned in today’s scripture reading. They were no different than you or I. There was a choice to be made in each of their lives and that choice was to believe as it says in verse 6 that “He is.”

Believe that He is, diligently seek Him in all that you do. Better than knowing He is with you, take Him with you wherever you go. Know in your heart that this majestic, awesome God wants a relationship with you and it all starts with your belief that He is. You too can be that great man or woman of faith. One that the Lord can use for His glory on this earth.

God Bless,
Pastor Dave


Saturday 9am – Men’s breakfast and fellowship in the in the fellowship hall. Hey guys bring a friend. There will be a couple special announcements at this breakfast so you need to be there. We’re going to have a great time. No charge of course.

This Sunday is Name Tag Sunday, New Member Sunday, and Potluck Sunday. Take all of that and wrap it around the worship of our Lord and you have an awesome beautiful day. Don’t miss it.