March 4th, 2015

Good Morning Trinity,


I hope you are having a great week. Have you looked for the Lord’s blessings in your life this week? How has the Lord revealed Himself to you. Has it been through church or has He surprised you in the everyday happenings of your life. The Lord is not limited to a time or particular place to prove His glory to you through a blessing. Here is your scripture reading for the week.


Mark 9: 2 – 8


One can only imagine the scene that unfolded before John, James, and Peter. They had followed Jesus now for a time but this was something they had never experienced before. The glorified body of Jesus along with the addition of Moses and Elijah standing there in conversation with Jesus must have been an incredible experience, and one that the disciples had ever dreamed to be a part of.


In reading these verses I began to think about the song “I Can Only Imagine”. Where the writer of the song tries to describe what it would be like to meet the glorified Christ. “I can only imagine, what my eyes will see, when your face is before me, I can only imagine. Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel. Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of You be still. Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I fall. Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all. I can only imagine.”


Maybe the writer of “I Can Only Imagine” had used Mark 9: 2 – 8 as an inspiration for this song. We can only imagine what it’ll be like to see the glorified Jesus. After all in realizing that the sight made Peter struggle for words and just blurt something out should open your eyes to the amazing sight of the glorified Christ. I don’t believe there is another place in scripture that tells of Peter being at a loss of words.


In our lives we tend to restrict the blessings God has for us because we just are not willing to step back and allow God to be God. We tend to put Him in a box because we don’t understand the vastness of God and we don’t understand the blessings He wants for us. But I want you to know that one day God’s glory will not be denied in our lives. When we come face to face with Him and we will know that all is right in this universe. What a glorious God we worship.


God Bless,

Pastor Dave




Wednesday – 12:00pm – Bible Study in the Agape Rm. – Study in Galatians
6:30pm – Family Night starts – get ready for this week’s Road Rally
7:00pm – Bible Study in the Agape Rm. – Study in Galatians


Sunday – 9:00am Sunday School for all ages – It’s a great way to start your day of worship


Sunday – 10:15 Worship begins in the sanctuary – bring a friend and introduce them to your church family


Sunday – Directly after the service there will be a Farewell Party for Phyllis Wallis in the Fellowship Hall. Come and wish her well as she will soon be heading north permanently. We’re going to miss you Phyl.


Next Thursday, March 12 there will be a 5 week class starting at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. This class will help you learn to share your faith without fear. The last 2 weeks will be a Spiritual Gifts class. If you have never discovered your spiritual gift, you need to get involved with this class.