January 7, 2015

Good Morning Trinity,

A friend sent me an email that said “one of the most beautiful days in the world could be today…….. if you make it so.” Allow God to show you the beauty in your life. He put it there for you to see His glory. Here is your scripture reading for the week.


1 Thessalonians 4: 1 – 12


The other day our choir director Julie asked me if Shirley and I would like to be the narrators for the Easter cantata. You’ll notice she didn’t ask me to sing. That’s a good move on her part. I remember thinking at the time, “is it really time to start practicing for the Easter cantata?” The choir is a great example of what it takes to be good at something. You have to practice, practice, and then practice some more.

It seems that the longer you do something the better you should be at it. Your job for instance whether you are currently employed or retired should be an example of how over time you became or are becoming more proficient with your responsibilities. Don’t you with time learn how to make your job easier or learn what to look out for to keep you from having trouble? Practice makes perfect I believe is the phrase that we like to use when we try to describe what it takes to be good at something. All this is true of course except if you are speaking of my golf game and then all logic about practice goes out the window.


Let me ask you a question. Are you a better Christian today than you were maybe a year ago? Do you even think of your Christian life as something that can be improved on, or do you think of it as a onetime deal like grabbing the brass ring? What are your expectations for your life as a Christian? Do you even have any? How can you be better at something when you don’t even know what better is? What does God expect out of your life?


I think for this reason it is best to understand that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship. Can a religion be improved on? Who is going to improve it? Do you know any religions or denominations that are improving? But on the other hand your relationship with Jesus Christ is one that can be improved upon. Relationships can grow stronger, can be more meaningful, and be more personal. They can be more personal because it’s your choice not someone else’s. Your relationship with Jesus is a life style, not a onetime activity.


You may have never thought of this in this way before but, there is nothing in life that is truly worthwhile that doesn’t take effort or commitment on your part. So when it comes down to you relationship with Jesus Christ, practice, practice, practice. The benefits are eternal.


God Bless,

Pastor Dave



Wednesday – 12:00pm Bible Study in the Agape Room
6:30pm Family Night starts with games and singing
7:00 Evening Bible Study in the Annex Building

Sunday – 9:00am Sunday School for all ages

Sunday – 10:15 Worship begins – pick up a friend and bring them to church