Special Announcement 10-29-14


33425 SR 54

Wesley Chapel, FL 33543

(813) 788-2898






To:      The Membership of Trinity Church


From:  The Board of Directors


Let it be known to the entire membership that the Fifth Annual Meeting of Trinity Church of Wesley Chapel, Inc. will be:


                        Date:              Sunday – January 4, 2015


              Location:       Fellowship Hall

                                           Trinity Church of Wesley Chapel

                                                     33425 S.R. 54

                                                     Wesley Chapel, FL 33543


                        Time:       Meeting will begin directly following the Worship Service


The notice will be posted in the Church Bulletin for the next 3 weeks.  It will be available on the church’s website.


Any questions – contact Joanna at the Administrative Office at 788-2898 or any member of the current Board of Directors:  Duane Milk, Steve Beaver, Glen Turney, or Dennis Shuey.

October 29, 2014

Good Morning Trinity,


I hope and pray you are having a blessed week. Please read the following scripture when your day allows the time.


1 Corinthians 2: 6 – 16


Have you ever heard someone say that we are creatures of habit? I know that I am. For more years than I care to remember my habit was to get up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, gather the paper off the front lawn and read about the world around me. This was not done in a careless or carefree order. It had to be sports, world, and local news, in that order with maybe the funnies thrown in at the end if the mood struck. Occasionally I would attempt to retrieve my paper only to find that it wasn’t on my front lawn which would automatically raise my suspicions of a, heaven forbid, fill in for the regular paper delivery person who didn’t know me or there was a newspaper thief in the neighborhood. At any rate, my routine had been broken and I wasn’t able to get my morning news fix like I was used to doing.


People used to say that we lived on an information highway. I think that when that term became popular people thought of a highway as a two lane road. I no longer get a newspaper unless it’s for the coupons. Printed news is yesterday’s news and why waste your time on yesterday’s news when you have the capability of receiving the world’s news the second it happens. We generally know of natural disasters or conflicts throughout the globe within seconds of the occurrence.


The point of this message though, is not so much the speed of our information as much as it is the amount of the information we receive. You could say and you would be correct in doing so that we are bombarded by information every single day. The media we receive is at a rate that we could never have imagined. Much of what we receive is good and helpful but there is so much that is not good.


It’s not going to surprise anyone when I say that the world is changing. Some of us don’t even recognize the world we live in. Morality is at an all-time low. What would have been seen as sinful in the past is now considered acceptable and if you don’t accept the change, you are just out of step or a hate monger. Is there any wonder why the bible is considered to be an old unusable book that has no relevance in today’s world. Today’s scripture is about spiritual wisdom. It was written almost two thousand years ago by the apostle Paul but it is as relevant today as it was back when he wrote it to the Corinthians. Pay particular attention to verse 14 and that will explain much of the rejection of the scriptures in today’s world


Each of us has the responsibility to be in God’s word on a daily basis. Think of it as a way to counteract much of what you read and hear today.


God Bless,

Pastor Dave



Friday – Trunk or Treat at Trinity from 6 – 8pm. Bounce houses, games and candy. If you would like to open your trunk and hand out candy
or would just like to come and help please be at the church by 5:30.

Sunday – Sign-up in the narthex this week for the Joy Circle’s Salad & Potato Bar Luncheon which will be held here at Trinity on November 9
right after the service. Great food for only $7.00

October 22, 2014

Good Morning Trinity,


I hope and pray you’re having a very God filled blessed week. Read this scripture when you have time today.


2 Corinthians 4: 7 – 18


Do you remember how you felt the day you accepted Christ as your Savior. It may have been many years ago but most people still remember the feeling of that day. Something happened inside, something that many of us can’t describe but yet we know there was a change. The change as it was made us different individuals. We looked at this world with new eyes and a new consciousness. I didn’t say that you or I completely understood what was happening to us, but we knew that there was a change going on inside us. I hope you’re pausing right now and thinking back to that special day that the Lord set aside for you. That’s how precious you are to Him.


Paul in verse 7 referred to us as earthen vessels. You can call it whatever you want, an earthen vessel, or a clay pot, maybe a ceramic statue, it really doesn’t matter. The idea though is to realize just how fragile we are as human beings. I remember our youngest son at 2 years old launching a ceramic statue of ours across the living room and it broke into more pieces than we could put back together. What made that statue so fragile was the emptiness inside the statue. There was nothing there to absorb the shock of being thrown across the room. Our lives are a lot like that ceramic statue and things can happen to us that are completely out of our control leaving us just like that statue.


Understand that what God has given us inside is a treasure. What He has given us will not keep us from going through trials and tribulations. But what He has given us is something that can give us strength to endure what life throws at us. What He gives us will help us absorb the shock of this life. We may be pressed from either side but we will not be crushed. What God gives us will bring us through to the other side.


God Bless,

Pastor Dave




Wednesday – 12 noon Bible Study in the Agape Room
5:30 Dinner in the Fellowship Hall
6:30 Family Night starts with games and worship
7:00 Bible Study in the Annex


Friday – Trinity’s Fabulous Famous Fish Fry – Starts at 4pm and runs through 7pm. Fried fish, baked fish, or chicken patties
with french fries or baked potato, coleslaw, macaroni salad, dessert and beverage for $7.00. Immediate family of 4
or more $20.00. It’s a good deal folks.


Sunday – Sunday School 9am, classes for all  ages.


Sunday – Worship starts at 10:15

October 15, 2014

Good Morning Trinity,


I certainly hope you are having an awesome week. Could your week be anything less than awesome when you realize that the God who created the heavens and the earth, knows your name, cares and loves you more than you can imagine? Now don’t go and get a swelled head or something but, I believe God thinks your something special. Here is your scripture reading for this week. Oh and by the way, I think you’re something special too.


Matthew 12: 1 – 14


There was a time when I was young that I remember all the stores being closed on Sundays. Everything in our small town in Western New York was closed and that even included gas stations. If you needed something you had better have planned ahead and bought it during the week because you sure were not going to get it on Sunday.


Gradually those Blue Laws were done away with. Then one by one the stores and other businesses began to open on Sunday until we reached where we are today where there is no difference between Sunday and any other day of the week. Like many other things, we have put profit ahead of things that we used to hold dearest.


Why do I look at these old Blue Laws as something that we used to hold dearest? Did it force more people into church on Sundays? It might have, but that isn’t my reason. I think it was a special time because it forced the family to be together on one day out of a busy week. It was a day that forced us to slow down and rest. We are a people whose lives have become so busy that we can’t even see how insanely complicated our lives have become. Does that make for a healthy family?


God did not create man for the Sabbath, He created the Sabbath for man. He created a time for us to slow down and to rest. Is that day of rest a good time to worship our Lord? Of course it is, but I think we should be doing that every day. This is not a call to bring back the old days but it is a call for you to examine your life and maybe reset your priorities. God gave you a gift. What you do with that gift is up to you.


God Bless,

Pastor Dave




Wednesday – You know Wednesdays have really turned into something special around here at Trinity. Check this schedule out
and see if you fit in here somewhere.
12 noon Bible Study (Prophesy Series) in the Agape Room
5: 30 Dinner in the fellowship Hall
6: 30 Family Night starts with games and music
7: 00 Bible Study (Prophesy Series) in the Agape Room


Saturday –  9 am Men’s Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall. A great time of Friendship and Fellowship and guess what, It’s FREE.
All you have to bring is your appetite. Oh yeah and maybe a friend to share this great time with.

Sunday – Sunday School starts at 9am. There classes for all ages and there is one that is meant for you.


Sunday – Worship starts at 10:15 – Remember this is Name Tag Sunday. So don’t forget to fill out your name tag when you
come through the doors this Sunday

Sunday – This Sunday is Pot Luck Sunday and it starts right after the Worship Service.


Sunday – Tickets on sale for the Choir dinner. The dinner will be held Oct. 26 immediately following service. Serving: meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, salad, rolls, apple or pumpkin pie, and beverage. Cost: $7 per person or $20 for immediate family of four. Please see a choir member to purchase your ticket.

October 8, 2014

Good Morning Everyone,


I hope your week is so great you can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring. Trust in the Lord and know He not only has your back but that He has your tomorrow. Here is your scripture reading for the week.


Luke 10: 25 – 28


This is one of those scripture readings that may cause you to stop and think about your own relationship with the Lord. It might cause you to evaluate the importance of God in your life. On a scale of 1 – 10 where is God in your life. If you stop and think about this and be honest with yourself you might be surprised at the answer. When you stop and look at all of the responsibilities in your life where does God enter into your day?


Organized people I am told begin their day by making a list of all the things they need to accomplish in the order of importance. In this way they are able to accomplish the most in the least amount of time. Many of us are list makers because life can get so hectic it would be easy to forget something important because something of less importance took up our day. You know where I’m going with this don’t you?


Do you think you could take the time to make a list of everything in your life. Everything that makes you who you are. Your family, your job, your hobbies, your friends, your responsibilities, and anything else you could put on that list that would describe you. Make sure you put all of those items in their order of their importance in your life. Only you can determine the order of importance. Now, where is God?


“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” If you followed that command would you have to adjust your list? Do you think life might look differently to you. Where is God on your list? Something to think about.


God Bless,

Pastor Dave




Wednesday – Bible Study on Prophesy @ 12 noon in the Agape Rm in the Education Building

5: 30 Dinner in the Fellowship Hall

6: 30 Family Night begins with games and music and great fellowship

7: 00 Bible Study on Prophesy (for the next 2 weeks the evening bible study will be held in the Agape Rm)


Sunday – Sunday School for all ages starts at 9am


Sunday – Worship service starts at 10:15 am


Sunday – The boxes are in – You can pick up you Operation Christmas Child boxes this Sunday in the Narthex

September 24th, 2014

Good Morning Trinity,

I hope you are having a great week. When you feel the temperatures dropping along with the humidity and you feel the comfort of the fall weather, do you thank God for the change of seasons? Remember in all things give thanks because we as His children are richly blessed. Here is your scripture reading for the week.

Psalm 37: 1 – 7

At a very early age we are taught what it means to play nice with others. We are taught to keep our hands to ourselves which is a nice way to say don’t punch each other. Don’t hit each other with or without the toy truck in your hand (you have to be specific about these things.) Don’t pull each other’s hair even when it’s so conveniently put into a pony tail ready to be yanked and above all don’t bite.

It is also explained to us that when we play games with each other, there are set rules that we have to follow. These rules are in place so that the game can be played fairly and anyone has the opportunity to win. We learn at that time that the people who don’t follow these rules are called “CHEATERS”. That’s when we first heard the slogan “Winners never cheat, and cheaters never win” which had to be true because life is fair. I guess at a young age as we are learning to play nice together life is a little simpler and yes, it can be black and white, good and bad, or fair and not fair.

I think as each of us grow older and move from the age of children to adulthood we learn something different about life as being fair. It was with me as I’m sure it was with you that we tried to play fair in this game of life that we find ourselves involved in. We played fair and we expected life was going to play fair also but that was not always the case. Cheaters won and were proud of it, honesty, hard work, and playing by the rules did not guarantee a win and has even been looked upon as a deterrent to “making it” in today’s world. Maybe somewhere along the way someone changed the rules to this game? Maybe it’s not a game?

Have the rules changed? According to the ways of the world, yes they have. But for those of you who know Jesus as Lord and Savior the rules have never nor will they ever change. Scripture says that we are to be in this world but not of this world. Our rules, our plans for our lives are written down in a book and will never change. Verse 3 says “Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness.” If you are looking to this world to fulfill the desires of your heart, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Trust in the One who will never change to please an ever changing world, Jesus our Lord.

God Bless,
Pastor Dave



Wednesday – Bible Study 12 noon (Prophesy Study), Family Night starts at 5:30 with dinner and at 6:30 the fun starts with games and music, Bible Study at 7:00 (Prophesy Study). There’s a lot going on here on Wednesdays

Friday – Trinity’s Most Fabulous Fish Fry from 4 – 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your friends and enjoy the best fish fry in town. Dinner plus a piece of homemade cake or pie and beverage for $7.00.

Sunday – Sunday School for all ages starts at 9am. It’s a great way to start your Sunday Worship. Come along and bring a friend.

Sunday – Worship starts at 10:15 and we want you there with that friend of yours.




May 28, 2014

Good Morning Trinity,


Hope you’re having a great week and I’ll see you Sunday. Here is a scripture reading and devotion from Charles Stanley’s morning devotions.


1 Corinthians 12: 18 – 26


When I talk about serving the church with God-given talents and gifts, people oftentimes think too small. They picture the choir singer or the Sunday school teacher. But if they don’t happen to be naturally adept at singing or teaching, they give up.


It’s time we stop thinking in terms of a “Sunday only” establishment. The church is not a place or a time; it is a body of believers, each one uniquely gifted by God to guide, help, challenge, and support the rest. In fact most service to the Lord doesn’t take place inside the church building. It happens out in the world, where we do all the things that Scripture commands. Most believers are not in a position to influence a lot of people. When we act or speak, only those closest to us notice, but a chain reaction ripples outward to affect an entire community.


Paul’s metaphor of body parts working together harmoniously is a helpful description of how one small action can have a widespread impact. Consider the way tensing your big toe keeps your foot stable and thereby steadies your whole body. In the same way, a gentle rebuke, a listening ear, or a loving deed benefits the church by strengthening one brother or sister, who then supports another…. We are on this earth to serve the kingdom of God and His church. And we do that by ministering to each other in small ways that steady the whole body as we give extra support to one member.


In talking about such service, I am challenging you to find a need that God can meet through you. Think about it.




Thursday – VBS workday from 9 – 12 – why not have fun and get involved


Friday – The Best Fish Fry in town. In the Fellowship Hall from 4 – 7pm. Includes either fried or baked fish, drinks and desert or if you’re a land lover try the chicken strips, all for $7.00


Sunday – Sunday School 9am for all ages bring your friends and study God’s word together.


Sunday – Worship 10:15 bring your friends and add to our goal of 700 visitors this year.

May 14th, 2014

Good Morning Trinity,


I pray you are having a blessed week. Give thanks to the Lord for the good and the not so good. He will lead you through all circumstances. Here is your scripture reading and devotion for the week.


Judges 7: 1 – 25


There is a statement that has been used by many in trying to understand why God has called them into a certain situation. Whether it would be a calling to pastor or to the mission field or ministering to the needy or a friend. The statement is this, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the call.” In other words if God wants to show the world His power, He will do so through the weakest individual by human standards. If a message needs to be delivered to Pharaoh, He will use one who stutters to speak His words such as Moses.


This is exactly what God did when He chose Gideon to lead Israel against the Midianites army. Gideon in his own words was the least of his father’s house and his father’s clan was the least in Manasseh. When we realize our weakness, then we are able to see His strength. The Lord doesn’t choose us to glorify ourselves but chooses us to show His power and glory.


What is it we remember most about Gideon? Do we remember him as the great warrior, defeating an obviously superior army with just 300 men? No, he is remembered for something much more important than being a warrior. Gideon is remembered for his trust and faith in God that defeated all odds.


Do you have the trust and faith in God to be all He will ask you to be? Open your heart to the possibilities He will place before you. He is an awesome God to serve.


God Bless,

Pastor Dave




Thursday – 9am – 12 noon VBS Work Day in the Fellowship Hall


Saturday – Men’s Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall @ 9am. It’s an awesome breakfast and it’s free. Bring a friend and come enjoy the friendship and fellowship.


Sunday – Sunday School at 9am – 2 adult classes and 1 children’s and 1 youth class – bring a friend and enjoy your time together in study


Sunday –  Worship at 10:15 – Bring a friend to church and introduce them to your Trinity family.


Sunday – Name Tag Sunday – Don’t forget to bring your name to church. Fill out your name tag when you come through the door


Sunday – Pot Luck Sunday – This is the day you’ve been waiting for. Bring your friend to church and then take them to the Pot Luck. This way you won’t have to buy them lunch after church. What a deal.

April 30, 2014

Good Evening Trinity,


I pray you are all having a wonderful week. It’s obvious that the summer season is on its way. One of the signs of the coming season is the arrival of afternoon storms which can pack quite a punch. I’m always amused that when we have a beautiful day and we have so many, we refer to them as a chamber of commerce day. But when the storms roll in and the lightning strikes, we refer to that as an act of God. Here is you scripture reading and devotion for the week.


Revelation 2: 2 – 4


In January 1984 we decided to move from Western New York and the cold weather to Florida and the sunny south. The decision to move south was an easy decision to make because we wouldn’t have to put up with the winter weather of the frozen north. The decision was also a difficult one because we were going to be leaving family and many friends behind. Many of these friends were as important to us as family because the relationships had been cultivated over many years and many situations.


I remember all the get-togethers we had before we left and the many times I heard someone say, “you’ll be back.” I guess after 30 years our friends have decided that the move did work out and we aren’t moving back. Not only are we not moving back but over these 30 years there have been changes to our lives, not only for Shirley and I but also for the friends we left behind. Time and distance have made it difficult to share our lives as we used to do. It seems kind of harsh to say but, we have all moved on. We stay in touch but things are not what they used to be because we don’t share as often as we did when we lived in the same area.


They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. When in reality, because of a busy life and new people around them, regardless of what the romantic says, it makes the memory grow weaker. It’s tough to keep a relationship alive when time is not spent together. When interests are not shared both parties can move in different directions and the closeness once enjoyed can be lost.


Today’s reading from Revelation is about the church at Ephesus who has left its first love. They are a church who does all the right things such as laboring for the cause of Christ, which would include much community outreach. They see evil and are not afraid to call it like it is. On the outside they appear to be the church that everyone including themselves expect it to be. But Jesus sees something different in them because where we see the surface, He sees the heart.


Who the Church of Ephesus wanted to be overshadowed the true reason or purpose. They had left their true love and had been all about the work and nothing about the relationship. The mission came between the church and the relationship the church had with the Lord. Absence does not make the heart grow fonder where the Lord is concerned. The relationship we have with the Lord has to be first in our lives and be the driving force in our work for the community. Don’t let your relationship with Christ Jesus become like one with a friend of the past. Keep it fresh, keep it strong, keep it daily.


God Bless,

Pastor Dave




Sunday – Sunday School all ages starts at 9am. Bring a friend and start the day off right in God’s word


Sunday – Worship at 10:15 Bring that friend to church after Sunday School. They’ll love you for it and probably take you to lunch.

Special Announcement 4-30

Hi Everyone,
Yesterday during the afternoon storm we were struck by lightning. There was no structural damage but we have unfortunately lost our phone service amongst other services. So if you’re trying to reach us by phone we aren’t ignoring you, the phones are dead. Come on in if it’s important, we’ll have time to listen.


God Bless,

Pastor Dave