April 26, 2017

Good Morning Trinity,

I pray you are having a blessed week. Give thanks to the Lord for the good and the not so good. He will lead you through all circumstances. Here is your scripture reading and devotion for the week.  

Judges 7: 1 – 25

There is a statement that has been used by many in trying to explain why God has called them into a certain situation. Whether it would be a calling to pastor or to the mission field or ministering to the needy or a friend. The statement is this, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the call.” In other words if God wants to show the world His power, He will do so through the weakest individual by human standards. If a message needs to be delivered to Pharaoh, He will use one who stutters to speak His words such as Moses.

This is exactly what God did when He chose Gideon to lead Israel against the Midianites army. Gideon in his own words was the least of his father’s house and his father’s clan was the least in Manasseh. When we realize our weakness, then we are able to see His strength. The Lord doesn’t choose us to glorify ourselves but chooses us to show His power and glory.

What is it we remember most about Gideon? Do we remember him as the great warrior, defeating an obviously superior army with just 300 men? No, he is remembered for something much more important than being a warrior. Gideon is remembered for his trust and faith in God that defeated all odds.

Do you have the trust and faith in God to be all He will ask you to be? Open your heart to the possibilities He will place before you. He is an awesome God to serve.

God Bless,

Pastor Dave